Best practices in establishing transfer pathways/transfer agreements at Ontario colleges and universities

Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology
Reference Number

It has become progressively more common for students to transfer between postsecondary institutions in Ontario. Several studies that have examined mobility trends and transfer student characteristics indicate that the pathways students use to access postsecondary education are becoming more diversified. To date research has generally focused most on college students who transfer to university, but relatively less is known about the movement from university to college. Therefore, Confederation College conducted this study to focus on students who transferred to Confederation College from university between 2010 and 2012. The main objective was to discover why students choose to attend college after attending university. Other important themes were also examined, including student characteristics, academic performance, program choice, transfer experience, and students’ overall experience. Data was collected via online surveys and two focus groups. Participants included students who are either currently enrolled at, or had previously attended, Confederation College and who had any amount of previous university experience...