Funding: Faculty Fellowship

ONCAT is committed to learning from faculty members about opportunities and barriers to developing more seamless and student-centred transfer processes for students transferring into their postsecondary institutions.

Are you a faculty member at a college, university or Indigenous Institute in Ontario with a track record of championing students and pathways in postsecondary education? Do you see opportunities to support more student-centred transfer processes through research, governance roles, providing direct support to transfer students, or in classroom/curricular innovations? Faculty Fellowships support faculty-led projects that build knowledge of transfer student experiences, improve transfer processes and/or strengthen student mobility across postsecondary institutions.

Through the Faculty Fellowship, ONCAT supports faculty-led projects that: 

  • Increase institutional knowledge about transfer-related data and transfer student experience in their Faculty/department/ institution; 
  • Improve academic processes related to evaluating transfer credits and working with transfer students; 
  • Share emerging models of successful student mobility initiatives. 

An ONCAT Faculty Fellowship includes


  • Each Faculty Fellowship is $10,000 in funding towards:
    • Project implementation 
    • Professional development and sector engagement opportunities to share your fellowship project (such as attending the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students [NISTS] annual conference or other events)
    • A course release for a full-time faculty member (exclusive of benefits) as well as incidental costs related to the planned events. The Fellow will be employed by their institution and will not be an employee of ONCAT. In cases where a course release is not needed or appropriate, costs associated with other personnel will be considered.

Additional Benefits

  • Formal and informal opportunities to connect with other ONCAT faculty fellows
  • Their work profiled through ONCAT’s networks



  • Full-time faculty at postsecondary institutions in Ontario (Colleges, Universities and Indigenous Institutes) are eligible to apply. Applications must be developed by the faculty member leading the project. 
  • An eligible proposal must demonstrate: alignment with the areas of focus; clear faculty engagement/project is faculty-led; realistic scope and activities.


  • Proposals that were not developed by a faculty member
  • Projects/Activities and/or personnel that are funded through the Credit Transfer Institutional Grant (CTIG) are not eligible for ONCAT funding.



Submission Requirements

To be considered for funding, proposals must include the following:

  • Clear scope and alignment with Faculty Fellowship priority areas: Proposals must demonstrate evidence of need and potential for uptake/impact of project results within the institution
  • Faculty Track Record: Proposals must demonstrate that the Faculty member has a track record of championing students, and has clear opportunities to raise the profile of transfer students/student-centred mobility among other faculty and their institution. 
  • Knowledge Mobilization strategies: Proposals should include an overview of knowledge mobilization strategies during the course of the project and how project findings will be shared and possibly implemented.
  • Budget: A clear and realistic budget that aligns with the proposed activities

Reports and Check-ins

ONCAT is committed to learning with its partners and values open and ongoing communication. If you are successful in receiving a grant, the following check-ins and reporting are required:

  • An interim update
  • Check-in’s on the project as needed (via email and/or in person)
  • A final report and detailed financial statement