Postsecondary Student Mobility Opportunities Outside Ontario

University of Windsor
T. Brunet
J. Bukovac
J. Norman
Reference Number
In 2011, the College University Consortium Council (CUCC) provided funding to the University of Windsor to explore the competition between United States (US) and Canadian post-secondary degree-granting institutions located in border cities that wished to attract college transfer students. The cities chosen for the exploration included Sault Ste. Marie, Niagara Falls & St. Catherines, Sarnia, and Windsor. The information in this report is based on the online review conducted by Jessica Bukovac and Julie Norman and field notes recorded by Tim Brunet as part of his responsibilities as a University of Windsor Student Recruitment Officer. A three-year diploma in Business Administration (specializing in Accounting) from an Ontario College of Applied Arts and Technology was evaluated for transferability to a four-year business degree program at each of the university-level institutions located in the designated regions. The results of this project were presented at the Pan-Canadian Consortium on Admissions and Transfer Conference in Ottawa in June 2012.