Transfer Patterns of Seneca's Business Students: Student profile and academic success at Toronto universities

Ursula McCloy
Kathleen Williams
Stephen Childs
Kevin Du Manoir
Reference Number

Students in Toronto, Ontario, have several options close to the city when considering postsecondary institutions to attend, including, but not limited to, York University, Ryerson University, and Seneca College. The proximity of these and other post-secondary institutions in Toronto facilitates the movement of students between institutions and the creation of pathways. Recently, ONCAT’s business transfer committee, which is composed of college and university representatives from business faculties across Ontario, set a priority to “gather data and create a report to share widely on the success of transfer students in business.” To address that priority, this study investigates the academic success of students who were enrolled in a Seneca College business program during 2012 through 2017, who either transferred to Seneca from York University or Ryerson University, or transferred from Seneca to York or Ryerson. Research questions include:

1. What share of Seneca’s business students, including non-graduates and graduates, continue to a university program (including graduate degrees)? What share of Seneca business entrants transfer from a university program (including graduate certificates)?

2. What is the socio-demographic and academic profile of students who transfer in each direction? How does it compare with the profile of Seneca business students who have not transferred?

3. How well do transfer students perform academically after transfer? What are the sociodemographic, program and academic characteristics of those who are successful after transfer?

4. How well are students performing within transfer agreements and other high-volume pathways? Does the amount of transfer credit provided have an effect on student success?