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Indigenous Institutes Transfer Operations and Capacity

Indigenous Institutes Transfer Grants

ONCAT has always focused on supporting students who wish to transfer within the postsecondary system in Ontario. 

ONCAT’s 2023–26 Strategic Plan broadens and extends this focus to supporting learner mobility through the education-to-career journey, empowering learners to build on their previous education and work experience to achieve their personal, educational, and professional goals. 

Focus and Activities 

Indigenous Institutes Transfer Grants support the development and implementation of learner-centric policies, practices, and pathways at a single Indigenous Institute.  

Through this collaborative funding opportunity, Indigenous Institutes can work with ONCAT to review the current state of transfer policies, student supports, data collection and reporting processes, pathway opportunities, and engagement with the postsecondary sector.  

In addition, the Indigenous Institutes Transfer Grants can bolster operational capacity to implement transfer-related policies, practices, and pathways that will not only support individual learners, but also facilitate greater inclusion of Indigenous Institutes for learner mobility opportunities within Ontario’s postsecondary sector.  

Here are examples of activities that align with the focus of Indigenous Institutes Transfer Grants: 

  • Collaborating with ONCAT and other postsecondary stakeholders on the development and implementation of transfer strategies, policies, and practices 
  • Developing institutional policies and governance models that provide strategic direction for transfer credit and learner mobility initiatives 
  • Developing and implementing services that support academic success and smooth transitions for incoming or outgoing transfer students 
  • Building administrative capacity to collect, analyze, and report data related to transfer students 
  • Increasing pathway options for Indigenous Institute students 
  • Incorporating principles of transferability and learner mobility whenever new programs are developed or offered 


Any Indigenous Institute in Ontario is eligible to apply for an Indigenous Institutes Transfer Grant. 

Funding and Budgets

  • You can request a minimum of $25,000 and a maximum of $75,000 in funding for the project.  
  • Indigenous Institutes can apply for additional funding through ONCAT Capacity Grants, ONCAT Collaboration Grants, and any other ONCAT grants. 
  • Review the Budget Guidelines for information about eligible expenses.


  • You must submit your application via ONCAT’s online funding portal. 
  • Institutions can submit an application any time between October 24, 2024, and February 6, 2025. 
  • We encourage you to allow sufficient time before the deadline to familiarize yourself with the online grant portal and to secure authorizations from senior administrators at your institution. 

Contact Us

  • If you have questions about the application process or online grant portal, contact Inna Yeranosyan, Grants and Projects Specialist.  
  • If you have questions about project eligibility or details, contact Nick Hanson, Vice-President, Programs, Research and External Relations.