TORONTO, ON – The Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) is pleased to announce the funding of 26 new projects in support of building a more mature and seamless transfer system for Ontario students.
At ONCAT we are committed to working with our partners at Indigenous Institutes, Colleges, and Universities to create meaningful change towards greater mobility for students across the province. To support this work, we provide project funding through an annual request for proposals (RFP) process. In this year’s RFP, we asked: Are there areas of student mobility that are not receiving adequate attention that, if unlocked, could lead to widespread positive change for transfer students, postsecondary institutions, and/or the transfer system as a whole?
We received some exciting and important responses from over 50 applicants that highlighted a range of topics, spanning from the need for tools and tech to support system-wide improvements, to understanding how transfer students are faring once they transfer, including labour market outcomes.
To guide our decision-making process, we worked with many external reviewers that represent the diversity of our partners, including transfer students, faculty, researchers, registrars, administrators from multiple institutions, as well as postsecondary education stakeholders.
Of the 26 projects, six will focus on Research, eleven pertain to Pathway Development, and nine focus on Innovative Transfer. These ONCAT supported projects will explore:
Regional Transfer
- Research into regional transfer between postsecondary institutions in Ottawa/Education City coupled with several pathway development projects in the region.
- Northern employers and whether employers are seeking multi-credentialized workers and regional pathway development opportunities to respond to employer needs.
Economic Outcomes
- Labour market and schooling outcomes of transfer students compared with non-transfer students in Ontario.
Equitable Transfer Pathways
- Pathway projects for, and research into barriers faced by, students at Indigenous Institutes transferring to other postsecondary institutions in Ontario.
- Research focused on the experiences of Black transfer students transitioning from University to College.
- Pathways to ensure Francophone students have opportunities across the province to further their education in French.
Tools and Tech
- Continued development of an online transfer credit assessment tool
Founded by the provincial government in 2011, the Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) was created to develop a system of mobility for students by building academic pathways and course equivalencies through its network of Ontario’s colleges, universities, and Indigenous institutes. With more than 60,000 students transferring every year, ONCAT helps to remove barriers for students, making their postsecondary education more seamless and affordable. ONCAT provides support to students looking to transfer through its website To learn more, visit
For details:
Ana Skinner
Project Lead: Grants Program
Tel: 416-640-6951 x303 | Email:
Funded Projects
Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology | Education City Transfer Mobility Analysis: Exploring experiences of transfer students in the Ottawa Region: |
York University | Exploring the Transfer of Black University to College Students |
University of Ottawa | Schooling and Labour Market Outcomes of Ontario Transfer Students |
York University | Exploring the Student Experience in Transfer between York University and Seneca College |
Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology | Understanding the transfer pathways and patterns of Canadian Armed Forces Veterans in Ontario |
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology | Exploring Student pathways into Ontario College’s Bachelor Degrees |
Pathway Development
Queen's University | Engineering and Engineering Technology Pathway Development |
University of Ottawa | Cinema and Film Pathway Development |
University of Ottawa | Parcours de transfert en Communication pour les programmes collégiaux en Journalisme, Publicité et communication marketing, Radio et Techniques des services policiers |
University of Ottawa | Parcours de transfert du programme collégial en Éducation en services à l’enfance vers le programme universitaire en Didactique des langues secondes |
Lakehead University | Social Work Pathway Development: Exploring and expanding options for OSHKI-WENJACK Learners into Social Work at Lakehead University |
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology | Multi-College Access to Postsecondary (MCAP) |
Oshki-Pimache-O-Win Education & Training Institute | Navigating Northern Education: Pathways to Business for Community Leaders |
La Cité Collégiale | Parcours de transfert inversés - B.A. en Études de l'environnement vers des programmes du Collège Boréal et du Collège La Cité |
Laurentian University | Parcours de transfert en sciences de la santé vers les sciences libérales universitaires entre le collège La Cité, le Collège Boréal et l’Université Laurentienne |
Laurentian University | Parcours de transfert en sciences et en arts entre le collège La Cité et l'Université Laurentienne |
Algonquin College of Applied Arts and Technology | Expansion of Pathways between Algonquin College and the University of Ottawa in engineering |
Innovative Transfer
First Nations Technical Institute (FNTI) | Creating Mobility for Students Enrolled in New Programs at FNTI |
Collège Boréal | Développement d'un parcours de transfert en résolution de conflits et Innovation sociale |
Lakehead University | Fostering a successful transition: Formalizing our commitment to Indigenous Learners |
Six Nations Polytechnic | Indigenous Institute Credential Recognition |
Confederation College of Applied Arts and Technology | Mobilizing Knowledge to Create Responsible Pathways for Indigenous Learners across Ontario's Postsecondary Sector |
Lakehead University | Natural "Learning Outcome" Processing: Completing an Online Transfer Credit Recommender System |
La Cité Collégiale | Parcours innovants en sciences appliquées |
Six Nations Polytechnic | The Indigenous Early College Model: Developing Credit Transfer Pathways |
Canadore College of Applied Arts and Technology | A Needs Assessment of Parry Sound Employers for Multi-Credentialed Workers and Continued Education for Employee Advancement |