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ONCAT Transfer Awards 2019: Nominations

October 17, 2018

ONCAT is now accepting nominations for our inaugural Transfer Awards of Excellence. This is your chance to recognize the achievements of one of your colleagues and/or partners who has made a significant impact or contribution on Ontario's transfer community. Awards are judged by an assigned ONCAT committee. We are currently seeking nominations for the following Transfer Awards:

  • Research Excellence
    This award recognizes an individual or group whose research has made a significant contribution to the Ontario transfer system.
    Eligibility: Individual(s)/groups employed at Ontario’s publicly assisted colleges and universities or higher education agencies/organizations from within the province.
  • Staff Champion
    This award recognizes an individual for their contributions to the Ontario transfer system through both their role(s) at their institutions, and as active contributors to building transfer in the larger postsecondary community.
    Eligibility: Individual employed at one of Ontario’s publicly assisted colleges and universities.
  • Leadership
    This award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions throughout their career towards building a culture of mobility and transfer in Ontario’s postsecondary system.
    Eligibility: An individual currently or previously employed at one or more of Ontario’s publicly assisted colleges and universities for more than 5 years.

Nomination Process

The Chief Nominator is responsible for submitting the online nomination form, consisting of:

  • Nominator contact details
  • A summary (approximately 200 words) of the nominee's significant contributions or achievements
  • Two signed nomination letters (maximum 2 pages each) illustrating with examples how the nominee meets the criteria for the award. Please do not include any confidential documents.

Deadline to submit nomination: Monday January 14th 11:59pm