TORONTO – The Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) has issued Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for new postsecondary Pathway Development Projects and for Research Projects on credit transfer in the province of Ontario. Institutions are asked to submit proposals no later than Friday, January 30. Successful proponents will be notified by March 1.
Pathway Development
Pathway Development Projects should be designed to develop new transfer pathways that are accessible, have broad application, and address areas of established or unmet student demand. As part of our focus on multilateral agreements, we also encourage projects that involve the expansion or enhancement of an existing pathway. Preference will be given to projects that deal with health sciences, social sciences, community services, business, or engineering, or that expand opportunities for francophone or aboriginal students.
Research projects should aim to create a better understanding of the current credit transfer system in Ontario, and should lead to recommendations in support of the development of an accessible, responsive and high-quality postsecondary education system. Preference will be given to proposals that seek to investigate the costs and benefits of credit transfer.
Proposals may be submitted in hard copy or electronically to
Arlene Williams
Policy and Programs Director, ONCAT
180 Dundas Street West, Suite 1902
Toronto, ON M5G 1Z8
Telephone: 416-640-6951 x306
Email: Arlene Williams