TORONTO – The Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) has issued Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for new postsecondary Pathway Development Projects and for Research Projects on credit transfer in the province of Ontario. Institutions are asked to submit proposals no later than Monday, January 11, 2016.
Pathway Development Projects
ONCAT is seeking proposals for innovative pathway development projects that develop and implement strategies to enhance student mobility, expand opportunities for students to transfer, and increase postsecondary collaboration in order to contribute to the ongoing development of a more seamless postsecondary education system in Ontario. Preference will be given to projects that:
1) Create new pathways for Aboriginal students, in particular between colleges or universities and First Nations Technical Institutes;
2) Develop new pathways by conducting and applying a learning outcomes analysis;
3) Employ new collaborative models or innovative programs for transfer; or
4) Expand an existing pathway to include additional institutions.
ONCAT is seeking proposals for research projects that will advance knowledge and understanding of the current state of student mobility and credit transfer in the province of Ontario. Preference will be given to projects that:
1) Provide insight into institutional processes required to support student mobility;
2) Illustrate and analyze promising practices in facilitating transfer and/or supporting transfer student success; or
3) Generate and/or analyze quantitative data on student mobility in the province.
Submissions should include the following components:
- ONCAT RFP Submission form (as an MSWord document)
- ONCAT RFP Budget form (as an MSExcel document)
- ONCAT RFP Signature form (as a pdf or scanned image)
CVs of project team members (no preferred format)
Please submit the above documents by email to: Hard copies are not required. If you have questions about this RFP or require additional details, please contact Arlene Williams, Policy and Programs Director, ONCAT at 416-640-6951 ext. 306 or